
My Story

My name is Kyle Eberle, I was born on June 21st, 1988. When I was 3 years old I was diagnosed with Type 1 Juvenile Onset Diabetes. I lived a mostly normal life growing up with my condition. I learned how to overcome the day-to-day obstacles that a person with diabetes may face.

on June 4th, 2019 I lost sight in my right eye. After going to the Doctor, I found out that I had a complication from having Diabetes for so many years called Diabetic Retinopathy. I was told that this is a condition where blood vessels pool up at the base of your eye where the retina attaches. Over time the retina will detach from the eye, resulting in vision loss.

After 2 years of learning to live with vision only in one eye. The dreaded day that the Doctors told me would come, happened! On Memorial Day 2021, I laid down for a nap due to a severe migraine. When I awoke I could not see anything. I was left in darkness and with complete vision loss.

A few months later, I was told about software on my iPhone that would talk to me telling me what was on the screen giving me the ability to use a smartphone. Learning this was a game-changer. I started to learn about more programs that could aid in my day-to-day life. I discovered an application that could use A.I. to describe what was in an image called Tap-Tap-See.

The thought occurred to me, ” Could I use this app to see the world again? ” Come to find out I could. I soon decided to get into Photography. This became my new passion and therapy. I now strive to share with others my passion and the unique way I see the world around me.

I am so thankful to you for spending the time to learn about my story. I can not wait to start my next journey with you!